Opportunity Knocking: In brief

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Kansas steps up traffic control ... Idaho needs nutrition system ... Tennessee needs A-to-Z on debt management ... Let the processing begin in Arizona.

The Kansas Transportation Department wants a contractor to deliver an advanced traffic management system for the Wichita area. A request for proposals is due in January.The winning contractor will provide professional services and software for system design and implementation.The Wichita City Council first must approve the project and appropriate the funding.The Idaho Health and Welfare Department wants a contractor to implement a new automated system for its Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program. An RFP is expected in January.The state wants a contractor with the skills to install and modify a Web-based, automated food delivery system for the Bureau of Clinical and Preventive Services.The state prefers that the contractor implement an existing automated WIC system rather than develop a new one.The Tennessee Treasury Comptroller's Bond Finance Division wants a contractor to deliver software and services for an automated debt management system. An RFP is expected in April or May.The contractor should deliver a system that, at a minimum, can provide data on new debt, refund outstanding bonds, administer debt, collect on loan receivables, and produce standard and ad-hoc reports. The system also should be able to model proposed bond issues, refund opportunities and structure loan repayments.The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System wants a contractor to deliver a new claims processing system for several assistance programs. An RFP is expected in January.The contractor's core competencies should include business process outsourcing, professional services, and software and system development and maintenance.
Kansas steps up traffic control

Idaho needs nutrition system

A-to-Z debt management

Let the processing begin

These opportunities are compiled by Federal Sources Inc., a market research consulting firm in McLean, Va. (www.fedsources.com)

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