Security-cleared job seekers have new social network

Find opportunities — and win them.

The Cleared Network gives people with security clearances a chance to take advantage of social networking's perks.

Editor's note: This story has been modified since its original publication to correct a link and clarify some information.

Agencies and contractors often find themelves in need of job candidates with security clearances, but matching up needs and suitable applicants can be difficult. And some security clearances bar their holders from posting public profiles at all on social-networking sites such as Facebook., an online resource for employees with active federal security clearances, today unveiled The Cleared Network. It's a private online community that combines a specialized job board with the other benefits of social networking. The Cleared Network is accessible only to registered members with clearances, but a video demonstrating the site's features is available here.

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The company said the network gives employers and security-cleared employees a place to learn more about each other through using pictures, videos and short, informative profiles.

The network will help with recruiting employees and companies can highlight events or jobs they might have available, according to the announcement at

The Cleared Network requires that a participant to be "a U.S. citizen with an active or current security clearance issued by the federal government — no exceptions."