Doing what with how much?

Find opportunities — and win them.

They were the words every agency manager wants to hear. Too bad they were wrong.

In launching the 2011 Executive Leadership Conference, Jim Beaupre's slip of the tongue expressed what most people wish were reality. In speaking about the downturn in business of the past few years, Beaupre -- chairman of the Industry Advisory Council's executive committee -- said: "We're way past doing less with more."

"Doing more with less," Mary Davie quickly corrected him. Davie, president of the American Council of Technology, sharing the stage with Beaupre. ELC, held in Williamsburg, Va., is an ACT/IAC conference.

Beaupre recovered his composure and continued: "We can hunker down, stick our heads in the sand and hope for the best. On the other hand, we can be part of the solution."

Davie them asked the audience to contribute ideas for improving the business climate. After listing Twitter as one way to communicate with ACT/IAC, she added, "If you don't use Twitter -- or if you need more than 140 characters because you have such a fabulous idea -- you can e-mail."