DHS Science & Tech to revamp contract processes

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Critical inspector general report pushes DHS Science & Technology directorate to revamp some contracting policies to bring better control to its processes.

In the wake of a critical inspector general report, the Homeland Security Department’s Science and Technology Directorate is reforming its contracting processes.

It will strengthen contracting documentation process by this summer, the agency told the IG, according to an FCW.com report.

The IG report found that S&T wasted millions on a bio-detection contract with NVS Technologies.

The contract was eventually cancelled last year. Originally an $18 million contract, it rose to $23 million and was headed toward a ceiling of $30 million when it was shut down.

Other IG recommendations include updating a program management guide and establishing a written policy for notifying leadership when a contract is cancelled.

The new policies and procedures will be in place by this summer.