GSA preps on-ramp solicitation for OASIS

GSA says is expects to release the solicitation for unrestricted bidders for several pools of the OASIS professional services contract.
The General Services Administration plans to release reworked solicitations for the on-ramp for several pools of its OASIS professional services contract.
GSA has already redone the solicitations for the small business competition after losing a bid protest because of limitations it wrongly placed on mentor-protege joint ventures.
The new solicitation for unrestricted competition in Pools 1, 3 and 4 will be released on July 11, according to an notice. Each pool will get up to 40 new winners. The new contracts will run through Sept. 2, 2024.
Pool 1 covers a wide range of professional services that agencies need. Pool 3 is essentially a subset of Pool 1 but focuses on the needs related to the military and aerospace. Pool 4 covers high-tech areas such as nanotechnology, biotech and other life sciences.
The on-ramps are GSA’s effort to bring in more companies and increase competition for OASIS task orders.
OASIS uses a self-scoring process where bidders submit their own scores. Scores in the competitive range are then evaluated and verified by GSA.
Leo Alvarez, a consultant at the accounting and advisory firm Baker Tilly, said that he expects companies will only have a 45-60 day turnaround to submit their responses.
“Industry should prepare their project scoring early,” he said.
GSA has been promising the unrestricted on-ramp solicitation for nearly a year.
“That’s left a lot of vendors frustrated, so this will be a welcome sight for many contractors,” Alvarez said.
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