The administration wants federal employees to use their firsthand experiences to point out ways the government can save money, blogger Matthew Weigelt writes.
The Coast Guard has nearly finished the third fleet mix analysis of its $27 billion Integrated Deepwater System asset acquisition project, at a time when the program continues to have problems with affordability and management, according to a new report.
Roger Baker, the Veterans Affairs Department's CIO, told a House panel today that although the fiscal 2011 budget is flat for information technology, it is enough to fulfill the department's needs.
The Veterans Affairs Department is looking at a flat level of $3.3 billion for information technology in fiscal 2011, but managed some increases for benefits automation and telemedicine.
The administration wants $43.59 billion for the Homeland Security Department in fiscal 2011 compared with the $42.60 billion that the department got for this year.
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