ICF International Inc. has named Mike Greenwell to the position of vice president responsible for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention account.
The health IT market is on the cusp of a growth period thanks to the NIH Chief Information Officer Solutions and Partners 3 program. But don't expect an explosion of spending.
HHS is collaborating with the Justice Department on nationwide health data exchange, but that does not mean the data will go to law enforcement or national security agencies, according to Dr. David Blumenthal, national coordinator for health IT.
Health information technology and electronic health records (EHRs) underpin many of the provisions in the comprehensive health reform legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.
The Federal Communications Commission released its National Broadband Plan last week, and lo and behold, there was a big section that highlighted health information technology and telehealth applications.
In what it describes as a massive transformation, the Veterans Affairs Department is preparing to adopt a relatively new concept called patient-centered care that uses technology to keep patients informed and engaged.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services handed out $17 million in matching funds to seven states and one territory for preparations for handling health IT payments from the economic stimulus law.
Federal, state and local governments are projected to spend $15 billion in 2014 for the IT systems that support their public health and health insurance programs.
The Health and Human Services Department announced it is preparing to award a sole-source contract to Verisign for managed public-key infrastructure services and digital certificates on the Nationwide Health Information Network.
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