The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will hold a hearing May 20 to question agency and industry officials about why the transition to Networx has taken so long.
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform postpones hearing with GSA and other agency officials on why the transition for Networx is going so slowly.
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to bring in GSA, agency and industry leaders to address the slow transition to Networx from the FTS 2001 telecommunications contract.
In the third and final installment, GSA's assisant commissioner for IT Services discusses contract protests, Networx transition and other trends in government procurement.
In part 1 of a three-part interview, Edward O'Hare lays out his strategy for making the various parts of the Federal Acquisition Services IT Services division work together and step one is communications.
Data collection is at the heart of GSA's efforts to move from FTS 2001 to Networx as well as laying the foundation for future transitions, says Karl Krumbholz.
Verizon Business opens a lab to show feds how optical local-area networks can help make buildings greener by reducing the energy needs of their networks.
As the network does indeed become the computer, Susan Zeleniak of Verizon Federal thinks telecommunications carriers might be poised to take business from systems integrators. Zeleniak and Verizon have done it already.
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