Harris Corp. will upgrade public safety communications for Ontario County, N.Y., under a $9 million contract. The 15-site system is designed to seamlessly interoperate with neighboring jurisdictions, creating a regional capability.
The GCN Lab has offered 10 reasons(plus a bonus reason) why iPads would be good for government use. But what's right for one user isn't always right for another. So here are 10 reasons why government employees might want to take a pass.
Smart phone technology is taking over the rest of the world, it seems, so why should the U.S. military be immune? The Army, at least, seems to be willing to see how far it can go, even on the front lines.
Studies that link cell phone use to cancer probably aren't going to scare us into not using them, but is the risk even real? GCN Lab's Greg Crowe has some thoughts.
Recent studies suggest that the network contracts that agencies are signing up for now and in the near future probably won't be robust enough, writes blogger Brian Robinson.
Lockheed Martin Corp. will continue providing several computer services to NASA under a contract extension that has an estimated value of $230 million.
iPods, smart phones and other personal devices are raising new questions about safety on the battlefield, on the beat and in other hazardous areas, writes blogger Brian Robinson.
To kick off the 2010 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer referred to filling "all of the screens of our lives," but his talk mostly centered on TV broadcasts, video-on-demand, and games running on televisions and Xbox 360 consoles, as well as PCs.
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