The nation must find a way to turn its liabilities into assets as a way to speed the economic recovery, Steve Forbes, chairman and chief executive officer of Forbes Media, said Sept. 14 in a presentation to the Northern Virginia Technology Council.
By William Welsh
September 15, 2009
State CIOs can play a critical role in deployment of health IT, according to a new report.
By Alice Lipowicz
August 25, 2009
Federal health officials are distributing $1.2 billion in economic stimulus law funding to state agencies and nonprofits to advance adoption of health information technology.
By Alice Lipowicz
August 20, 2009
The State Department plans to award a task order for help with its data center consolidation program.
By Ben Bain
August 19, 2009
The SSA is on track to award $24 million in contracts to help health care providers link to the Nationwide Health Information Network.
By Alice Lipowicz
August 7, 2009
Vice President Biden announced that $4 billion worth of broadband grants and loans are now available under the recovery act.
By Alice Lipowicz
July 6, 2009
Federal contractors must have strong attributes and depth to succeed amid slowing discretionary federal spending.
By Jerry Grossman
July 2, 2009
The oversight board for economic stimulus spending is looking for a vendor to create Version 2.0 of the Web site.
By Alice Lipowicz
June 15, 2009
Contractors need to stay on top of the procurement policies and reforms being pushed forward by Congress and the new administration.
By Matthew Weigelt
June 4, 2009
In a year of transition, government contractors should expect flat budgets for the next few years, according to FedSources.
By David Hubler
June 2, 2009
DHS announced $300 million in economic stimulus law funding is available for eligible port security and mass transit projects.
By Alice Lipowicz
June 1, 2009
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will develop IT systems to monitor incentive payments to doctors and hospitals.
By Alice Lipowicz
May 19, 2009
The Commerce Department released a schedule showing that it is preparing to hire a contractor in June to help manage its huge broadband grant program.
By Alice Lipowicz
May 18, 2009
Allscripts, Microsoft and Cisco are now members of an alliance meeting with doctors on the health IT economic stimulus law provisions.
By Alice Lipowicz
May 14, 2009
In his first 100 days in office, President Barack Obama brought a fresh approach to new technologies and an ambitious IT reform agenda. However, a lack of specific details has frustrated the contracting community.
By Alice Lipowicz
May 8, 2009
Survey shows what the Top 100 companies are thinking about: the good and bad of tougher competition, a new administration and emerging opportunities.
By Nick Wakeman
May 7, 2009
Northrop Grumman has positioned itself for more growth and more complex projects by combining its Mission Systems and Information Technology units.
By Nick Wakeman
May 7, 2009
Top companies in the government technology market rely on their ability to change and adapt to keep pace with evolving customer demands.
By Nick Wakeman
May 7, 2009
Computer Sciences Corp. celebrates its 50th birthday by identifying the seven markets that it thinks can grow its business.
By Heather Hayes
May 7, 2009
Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. spins off its commercial business so it can concentrate on opportunities as a trusted broker in the government market.
By Alice Lipowicz
May 7, 2009
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