Enterprise system development services are being sought by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as part of its new approach for acquiring, delivering and managing IT.
Accela Inc. will partner with Nortel on its municipal wireless solution, a suite of wireless network technologies, applications and services to help cities bring broadband services to their field staff and citizens.
Thomson Medstat has been awarded a contract renewal from the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research to build and support the next version of the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project.
A public or private shared-services provider is being sought by the Labor Department for its Human Resources Line of Business to replace its current HR and payroll systems.
Protiviti Government Services Inc. has acquired Enspier Technologies Inc., a provider of risk consulting and internal audit services to federal agencies.
Computer Sciences Corp. will acquire Datatrac Information Services Inc., a privately held government services and solutions provider headquartered in Richardson, Texas.
Unisys Corp. has won a contract to configure commercial software solutions for billing and accounts receivable operations within the Defense Department.
Eight companies have been chosen by the Veterans Affairs Department to provide application maintenance services for its VistA electronic health records system.
The Agriculture Department's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has contracted Synergetics Inc. to enhance its system that underpins the animal disease management program.
Merlin International Inc. of Denver has won a blanket purchase agreement from the Interior Department to help the agency centralize its acquisition of Symantec security software and services.
Data Systems Analysts Inc. won a $3.5 million subcontract from Multimax Inc. to assist the Air Force Communications Agency with networking initiatives.
Harris Corp. of Melbourne, Fla., won a one-year, $42 million contract renewal from the State Department's Bureau of Consular Affairs to continue delivering technical support services to more than 230 embassies and consulates around the world.
Data Systems Analysts Inc. will deliver program management support for net-centric enterprise initiatives at the Defense Information Systems Agency through a $15.6 million contract.
The Agricultural Department expects to have a blanket purchase agreement, from which it will purchase encryption products, in place by Jan. 1, and anticipates purchasing 150,000 licenses.
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