Make no mistake: The vast majority of readers commenting on telework stories in recent weeks clearly favor having the option to work from home on a regular basis. But here is the minority report.
Agencies are requiring robust home security software for the growing number of people working from home. The GCN Lab reviews five antivirus and antispam suites that can handle the job.
Federal information technology workers were much less likely than their private-sector counterparts to regularly or exclusively telework despite having favorable opinions of telecommuting, according to a report released today.
Federal managers need to stop worrying about where their employees are working and start focusing on what work is getting done, according to Deloitte's Anne Weisberg and William D. Eggers.
Althogh this winter's record-breaking mid-Atlantic snowfall provided the perfect opportunity for telework to prove itself, some who tried it found that it's easier said than done.
The heavy snows of the past week should put a greater commitment to telework on the government’s front burner, to judge from the comments posted to our coverage. But many seem to fear that entrenched opposition will cause any push toward telework to fade as quickly as the snow.
OPM Director John Berry fielded questions about telework during an online chat session today and said he was optimistic that the blizzard experience would drive home to agency leaders the importance of making telework possible.
Now that severe weather in the nation's capital and elsewhere have provided ample opportunities for testing continuity-of-operations plans, federal employees have some thoughts.
It's a worst-case scenario for teleworkers — being caught in a blizzard with no electricity — but they find a lifeline in the form of their smart phone and a car charger.
Another massive snowstorm threatens the Washington metropolitan area, overwhelms OPM's Web site, closes the federal government and sparks telework complaints.
With the Networx deadline looming, Verizon Federal's Susan Zeleniak offers her views on how the contract is progressing and its ability to transform government operations.
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