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MIchaela Drust

Michaela Drust is a business transformation consultant in IBM’s federal government digital business strategy practice. She can be reached at:

Distance Work: A three generation perspective

As we wrap up our eight-part series exploring the challenges and opportunities of remote work, our three commentators share their personal experiences working from home and what worked and what didn't.

6 challenges managers of remote teams must master

As workers have shifted to remote work, the challenge for managers often had little to do with technology and more to do with leadership.

What does the dramatic shift to telework mean for GovCon's future?

The rapid shift to telework driven by COVID-19 is raising significant questions for individual workers and the organizations they work for. We look at what's working well, what challenges are ahead and what we don't know yet.

Telework's impact on the state & local market

The shift to telework has accelerated because of the COVID-19 and in many jurisdiction there is evidence the trend might continue after the market reaches the new normal.


No turning back from telework's rise

In Part 4 of IBM's John Kamensky analysis of telework, he explores the early results of so many people working from home and the impact on productivity and collaboration.