Postal Service IT officials have upgraded the service's 15-year-old mainframe system to handle more transactions and lower the cost of operating the system.
SAP will acquire Business Objects in a move that will enable it to offer organizations more advanced business intelligence and decision-making solutions.
Juniper Networks and Microsoft are forging greater synergy between their access control solutions to give computer users more flexible but secure access to critical business resources.
ShareOffice is built on on-demand services from iNetOffice, EditGrid, ShareMethods and The application was announced at the Software 2007 Conference this week.
A stronger partnership between government and industry is needed to achieve more energy-efficient computing, Hector Ruiz, CEO of AMD told participants at FOSE today.
Twenty-two small businesses have been selected by the DHS' Science and Technology directorate to participate in technology contracts aimed at the development of homeland security solutions.
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