A controversial amendment has stalled the E-Government Reauthorization Act of 2007 intended, in part, to extend appropriations for programs through 2012.
The measures are designed to strengthen cyber security, promote greater sharing of unclassified information and prevent the over-classification of information.
"Your challenge," U.S. Army Secretary Peter Geren told audience members at the LandWarNet conference, "is to remember that solider as you design, test and produce the information systems required on the battlefield; remember ... the implications of bad or late information or the implication of too much information."
According to a senior GSA executive, government managers will need new skills and the ability to collaborate in order to move ahead in an age of networked governance.
For Suzanne Peck, the District of Columbia's chief technology officer, the grand opening this week of the District's new 127,000-square-foot Unified Communications Center represented the culmination of an eight-year journey to create a state of the art communications and emergency command center for greater Washington.
The ease with which consumers routinely network and share content over the Internet-and the emergence of new companies enabling them-are forcing business and government executives to rethink development plans for their own enterprise systems.
Despite increased spending on security and health IT, the mounting impact of consolidation, budget pressures and the Lines of Business initiatives are dampening growth rates projected for federal IT spending over the next five years.
Government Leader, the new magazine launched earlier this year by PostNewsweek Tech Media, now offers a growing roster of insightful management stories, profiles and practical leadership tips online at <a href="http://www.governmentleader.com/">GovernmentLeader.com</a>.
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