Stottler Henke wins Navy intelligent tutoring extension

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Stottler Henke Associates Inc. won a contract from the Navy to develop software to enhance a simulation-based training system for tactical action officers.

Stottler Henke Associates Inc. won a contract from the Navy to develop software to enhance a simulation-based training system for tactical action officers.

The contract builds on previous work the company performed developing an intelligent tutoring system for the Navy's tactical action officers.

Under the contract, Stottler Henke of San Mateo, Calif., will develop software that will be used during training exercises for tactical operations officers at the Surface Warfare Officer's School in Rhode Island. The software runs on a Watchstation simulator made by Northrop Grumman Corp. The contract is valued at $2.5 million.

A tactical action officer is responsible for a ship's weapons and sensors and directs the movements of ship, planes, missiles and submarines in the ship's region. The officer integrates the information in real time to form a tactical picture, select appropriate responses and issue orders.

Stottler Henke is a privately held software development and consulting firm.