Snowmageddon II? How will teleworkers fare?

Find opportunities — and win them.

During the massive snow storms that paralyzed the D.C. area in the winter of 2009-2010, many feds stayed productive through telework, cutting an estimated $30 million per day out of the potential lost productivity, according to the Office of Personnel Management.

Since that winter, telework legislation has passed that stands to increase the number of feds authorized to telework, over the the next several years. But what about this winter? While the long-range forecast suggests that another round of crippling snows are unlikely this year, it's always possible, and even lesser accumulations can be disruptive.

Last winter, not everyone who wanted to telework was able to. Some lacked the needed equipment, and others ran afoul of agency policies that prevented them.

What are your observations? Have things opened up? If snow keeps large numbers of workers home, will more be able to log in from home and get their jobs done?