Who started 2013 with the biggest contract awards?

Find opportunities — and win them.

January saw some large multiple-award contacts and a couple single awards worth $600 million and above. Who were the month's big winners?

Contract awards that kicked off 2013 include a couple of billion-dollar-plus, multiple-award procurements and one $1.4 billion single award. Not bad for a market facing down massive budget cuts.

For the month of January, Washington Technology covered 17 contract awards. The month was especially active for Lockheed Martin, who made the list twice. A small-business award also scored very high on the list.

Starting at No. 10, the countdown for the first month of the calendar year went like this:

10. ManTech wins $33.5M anti-terrorism contract

ManTech International Corp. captured a contract with the Defense Department's Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office to provide support services.

"The CTTSO customer has unique operational and technical demands to quickly deploy advanced solutions in support of the global war on terrorism," said Terry M. Ryan, president and chief operating officer of ManTech's Emerging Markets Group. He's since left the company to become CEO of VT Group.

9. Boeing unit nabs $46M option for Navy intell work

Argon ST, a Boeing Co. subsidiary, has won a $46 million situational awareness option under the Navy’s Ship’s Signal Exploitation Equipment Increment F contract.

The Increment F contract facilitates increased data collection and better identification of any potential threats. It improves on its predecessor contract, Increment E, which had antenna, signal acquisition and direction finding, Boeing said in a release.

8. DRC takes on FDA scientific computing services work

High Performance Technologies Inc., a subsidiary of Dynamics Research Corp., won a $50 million task order contract with the Food and Drug Administration to provide scientific computing services.

The contract’s period of performance began Sept. 17, 2012, and lasts five years.

DRC will provide science and engineering services to support FDA's use of new technologies and ensure the necessary processing, storage and connectivity support for its scientific computing objectives, the company said in a release.

7. Booz Allen wins Navy analysis work

Booz Allen Hamilton announced three awards at once, but only one of the three was what secured the company a spot on this list.

The award was a five-year, $72 million single-award contract from the U.S. Navy Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command for program management, cost modeling, acquisition support, contracts support, information assurance and cost estimating and analysis capabilities.

6. Lockheed tapped to sustain Army sensor systems

Lockheed Martin has won a $90.6 million contract from the Army for sustainment services for a target acquisition/night vision system.
Services will go toward the Army’s Modernized Target Acquisition Designation Sight/Pilot Night Vision Sensor system.

The contract is a performance-based logistics, firm-fixed-price contract to support mission readiness, reduce operation and support costs and improve reliability and maintainability, the company said.

5. Lockheed takes on GPS sustainment job

Lockheed Martin has won a $104 million contract with the U.S. Air Force Space Command Space and Missile Center to sustain the ground control segment for the GPS satellite constellation.

Period of performance is from January 2013 through June 2019.

Crucial to sustaining the nation’s space superiority, the GPS mission ensures the availability of precise position, navigation and timing signals for users worldwide, and across many domains, the company said.

4. SAIC wins huge Navy technical support contract

Science Applications International Corp. has won a $667.3 million contract with the Navy for technical support.

Services include systems engineering, integration, testing, large-scale fabrication, non-developmental item procurement, interim repair and maintenance services and training.

3. Jacobs wins $1.4B NASA testing and operations contract

Jacobs Engineering Group will take on testing and operation support at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The contract has a base of one year and seven months, two two-year option periods and four additional option years; all together, the contract is just short of ten years.

Services that Jacobs will provide under the contract include management and implementation of ground systems capabilities, flight hardware processing and launch operations at the space center.

2. 7 small businesses win $1.4B DISA network contract

Seven companies have won a contract that could be worth $1.4 billion with options to help the Defense Information Systems Agency support the Defense Information System Network capabilities.

The contract is known as the Global Information Grid Services Management - Engineering, Transition and Implementation. The winners are:

• Digital Management Inc.
• Onyx-Technica Joint Venture
• NES Associates LLC
• Cambridge International Systems Inc.
• TurningPoint-EMW Joint Venture LLC
• By Light Professional IT Services Inc.
• IPKeys Technologies LLC

And the biggest contract of January 2013 is...

1. 29 named winners of $3B FirstSource II contract

After letting the news out in dribs and drabs about the winners of the $3 billion FirstSource II contract, the Homeland Security Department has released a consolidated list of the 28 winners of the IT products contract.

The contract will be used by DHS primarily to buy IT products and related services. It is designed to work with DHS’s EAGLE II services contract.

DHS wants to use its buying power to lower prices, and implement IT standards across the department. They also want a fast, flexible buying vehicle.

A total of 36 awards were made, but several companies won in more than one category, which brought the total number of individual companies winning contract to 29.

NEXT STORY: Should we embrace sequestration?