DynCorp challenges GD's long hold on Stryker support

General Dynamics has built and support the Army's Stryker vehicle since 2002 but DynCorp thinks it's time for a new sustainment contractor.
General Dynamics has built and support the Army’s Stryker vehicle for 18 years so it is little surprise that it won a new contract worth $428.2 million to continue supporting the vehicle.
But DynCorp is challenging this most recent award for sustainment services claiming that the evaluation by the Army wasn’t done properly and if it had, DynCorp would have won.
The Stryker is a combat vehicle that can carry up to nine soldiers in addition to its two-person crew. GD won the contract to build them in 2002.
The new sustainment contract calls for support with new equipment testing, fielding, maintenance, and something called “total package fielding.” The five-year contract was awarded at the end of July.
DynCorp filed its protest on Sept. 8. A decision is expected Dec. 17.
The company did not respond to a request for comment.