Pragmatics continues support for legal battle with Iran

Pragmatics will continue to provide litigation support to the Navy and State Department as a multiple-decade legal fight with Iran grinds on.
Pragmatics has won a $24.7 million contract to continue providing litigation support to the Navy and the State Department as the U.S. government's multiple-decade legal battle with Iran grinds on.
The Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal at The Hague in the Netherlands is overseeing certain legal disputes between the U.S. and Iranian governments that date back to before 1981 when Iran had contracts to buy military equipment from the United States.
For example, one claim from Iran seeks $10.5 billion for wrongful charges by the U.S. under the Foreign Military Sales program. The U.S. also has a counterclaim against Iran for $520 million.
Hearings have been held and the court has been in deliberations for two years, but no timeline has been set for a decision.
Under this contract, Pragmatics is supporting the Navy’s Office of the General Counsel and State Department. Services include document management, database management, case management, and research.
Pragmatics first won the contract in 2014.