2020 Top 100

1: Leidos Inc.
Top 100 Revenue: $8,075,048,000
Defense Revenue: 3,199,495,000
Civilian Revenue: $4,875,553,000
2019 Revenue: $11.1 billion
2019 Earnings: $670 million
2018 Revenue: $10.2 billion
2018 Earnings: $749 million
Number of employees: 37,000
Headquarters: Reston, Va.
Website: https://www.leidos.com/

Roger Krone, chairman and CEO; James Regan, CFO, Paul Engola, CHRO; Roy Stevens, EVP and chief of BD; Steve Hull, CIO; Jerry Howe, general counsel; Michele Brown, chief ethics and complaince officer; Jim Carlini, CTO; Jim Cantor, chief of performance excellence and strategic partnerships; Kamal Dua, chief audit executive

Jim Moos, president, civil group; Gerry Fasano, president, defense group; Vicki Schmanske, president, intelligence group; Liz Porter, president, health group; David King, leader of Dynetics

Ticker: LDOS
Lines of business: Aviation, Defense, Energy, Government, Health, Homeland, Intelligence, Science, Space, Surface Transportation
Major customers: VA, Navy, Army, DOD, Defense Health Agency
Major contracts/projects: GSMO, Army ITES-3S, Army RS3, Deployable Adaptive Global Responder Support, Encore, III, DTIC HD-TAT, DTIC IACMAC, GSA Alliant 2, OASIS, GSA USA, HCaTS Program Management Office, Army AEWD, Army GTACS, CDC CIMS, CMS SPARC, DHS Eagle II
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