How CACI's $1.2B Azure Summit acquisition expands its overseas strategy

In adding Azure Summit, CACI will first look at combining technologies to work with U.S. customers and then use that as a pathway for global expansion.

Navy starts $828M business support recompete

Awardees will compete for work to directly support the Navy’s objectives for its personnel, manpower and training initiatives.

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CACI acquires Applied Insight to build up cloud migration offerings

The all-cash transaction also expands CACI International's presence with defense and national security agencies, plus reunites a pair of former Acacia Group businesses.

CACI's $1.3B purchase of Azure Summit born out of familiarity

In explaining the acquisition to Wall Street, CACI International CEO John Mengucci pointed to a large Navy software development program as where the company got an early look at the possibilities.

CACI to buy radio frequency tech maker for $1.3B

The pending addition of Azure Summit Technology is the newest move by CACI International to expand its electronic warfare and electromagnetic spectrum footprints.

Air Force chooses 23 for $12.5B network modernization vehicle

The Base Infrastructure Modernization program envisions a more modern network architecture involving both wired and wireless components.

Army lets one protester back in for $10B IT product competition

A separate set of six protests remains active at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims over their elimination from a place on the IT Enterprise Solutions 4 Hardware vehicle.

How CACI puts together teams for its tech programs

The company primarily leans on software to develop and deliver its solutions, which means that others more focused on hardware can make for key partners.

Army chooses bundling to recompete billions in professional services, IT vehicles

The future Marketplace for the Acquisition of Professional Services contract is being designed to bring staff augmentation and technology support from industry into one procurement.

CACI challenges $100M Navy SETA award

CACI claims the price submitted by Serco Inc. is too low and that key personnel in the bid are not available.

Army chooses small business for $370M payroll system update contract

The Army's Integrated Personnel and Pay System both helps soldiers get paid and leaders track other aspects of their service.

DOD keeps all incumbents for $1.5B CIO IT recompete

The Defense Department uses the contract to acquire support for its information enterprise and IT management functions.

TOP 100: CACI's CEO charts the path from services to tech-centric solutions

John Mengucci described the company's strategic shift, approach to acquisitions and technology priorities in this Q&A at Washington Technology's event on the 2024 Top 100.

Navy adds 49 more to $982M unmanned surface vehicle program

This on-ramp round of awards focuses on the vehicles' underlying technologies such as payloads, mission support systems and the needed autonomy to control them.

What Quadrint built before CACI came calling

The founders and venture capital backers of Quadrint share the journey of how they built and sold the company.

CACI wins $2B NASA IT centralization job

The space agency is looking to standardize and consolidate how it manages IT systems and applications.

Appeals court rules potential subcontractors can file protests too

A whole new category of protests could open up for situations where prime contractors decide to custom-build their solutions.