SAIC will provide translation, other assistance to the National Media Exploitation Center.
By David Hubler
May 24, 2012
The Defense Department is expanding a program to share cyber threat information and inviting all of its eligible contractors to take part.
By GCN Staff
May 15, 2012
Despite its success, IntelliDyne chose to rebuild to stay ahead of the curve. What can its story teach you?
By David Hubler
May 15, 2012
What's inside the NGEN request for proposals that points the way to the Navy's IT future?
By Amber Corrin
May 11, 2012
DOD lacks a culture geared toward fostering small business participation, lawmakers believe, but a new bill would attempt to change that.
By Matthew Weigelt
May 9, 2012
Senate and House members fear caps on federal employees without caps on contractors will push DOD to use more contractors.
By Matthew Weigelt
May 2, 2012
Contract extends Lockheed’s maintenance, operations, hosting and development services for the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System.
By David Hubler
April 30, 2012
New acquisition regulations are the most comprehensive change in federal contracting in several years. Are you ready to comply?
By David Hubler
April 25, 2012
Contractor will build satellite and communication systems for continued morale, welfare and recreation of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
By David Hubler
April 20, 2012
The challenge of separating inherently governmental work from contractor-appropriate work bedevils DOD.
By Matthew Weigelt
April 9, 2012
Objective is to provide life-cycle software development engineering to the DOD Intelligence Information System and intelligence community.
By David Hubler
April 5, 2012
Federal spending on contractor services is out of control and must be reined in, according to Sen. Claire McCaskill.
By Amber Corrin
March 30, 2012
Lockheed Martin said it will ensure its supplier management process is vigorous following the allegations.
By Alysha Sideman
March 26, 2012
A panel of lawmakers recommends increasing the 23 percent contracting goal because of the foreseen decline in government spending.
By Matthew Weigelt
March 22, 2012
Lawmakers want a streamlined acquisition process that helps defense employees and doesn't intimidate potential contractors.
By Matthew Weigelt
March 22, 2012
Company will support maintenance policy and programs.
By David Hubler
March 15, 2012
As DOD spending wanes, money for contracting will too, and industry must prepare.
By Amber Corrin
March 7, 2012
IG's report revision illustrates one of the challenges of online journalism.
By Michael Hardy
March 6, 2012
Original bidders tapped to take over iEHR contract after original awardee was canceled.
By Washington Technology staff
March 5, 2012
It would eliminate contractors' ability to point out even simple mistakes or offer their perspective on circumstances when the agency officials view it different way, critics say.
By Matthew Weigelt
March 1, 2012
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