Open Source

Harris will integrate disparate VA, DOD healthcare info systems

$80 million award calls for creating a single architecture and joint execution strategy for the two agencies.

VA looks for Microsoft alternatives

Microsoft Office is the government's dominant productivity suite, but the Veterans Affairs department would like to find a less expensive alternative.

Find opportunities — and win them.

Are the clouds breaking up?

The advent of regional clouds will change the way state and local governments buy computing and storage services, a new report predicts.

Who’s savviest about open source: feds or contractors?

According to a new study, government contractors understand open-source software and how it can move government agencies to cloud computing better than government officials do.

VA's RFI seeks open-source VistA development ecosystem

Veterans Affairs Department CIO Roger Baker discussed how the VA is exploring the creation of an open source development ecosystem to modernize its longstanding VistA Electronic Health Records System.

Red Hat acquisition opens way for new cloud services

Acquisition of Makara provides new scalable technologies for upcoming Red Hat cloud offerings.

USDA, Marines replace SAP in isolated organizations

The Agriculture Department and the Marine Corps, citing cost, incompatibility and other issues, are replacing their SAP software with another vendor’s in specific divisions.

CollabNet acquires project management provider

CollabNet, the provider of the software development platform behind the Defense Information Systems Agency’s, has acquired Danube, a provider of Scrum project management solutions.

Oracle outlines Sun integration plans

Oracle Corp. laid out its plans for integrating Sun Microsystems' software and hardware systems into its own product lineup, including the Solaris operating system, the NetBeans IDE and the MySQL database.

Oracle-Sun deal gets green light

The European Commission today cleared Oracle's $7.4 billion agreement to acquire Sun Microsystems, paving the way for the two companies to close the deal.

Nexus One: All that and a trackball

Google ups the ante in the smart phone frenzy with the Nexus One, a smart phone running the Android OS.

States and local agencies take to clouds, report finds

State and local governments will adopt cloud computing, virtualization, service-oriented architecture, open-source software and geospatial technologies at an accelerating rate over the next five years, according to a new Input report.

Droid does it better

The new Verizon Wireless Droid by Motorola is a phone that could really change the industry, and the way the federal government does its job.

DOD open-source memo could change software landscape

DOD has issued guidance that clarifies the use of open-source software.

DOD opens up to open source

Open-source projects at the DOD are building a community of users who share and collaborate on software projects.

DOD move to develop software stirs up storm

Readers are divided on apparent shift at the Defense Department from the previous allegiance to the notion of using commercial, off-the-shelf software whenever possible to using in-house software.

DOD rethinks buy versus build software quandary

DISA, Army exploring a new way to acquire applications more quickly and with less cost by building them in-house.