FBI lays out calendar for its next big tech contract

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The program often known and pronounced as "IT Triple S" now has some firm dates for industry to keep in mind.

Without much advance notice, if any, the FBI has laid out its intended calendar regarding further steps for an enterprise IT supplies and services contract vehicle with a potential shared ceiling in the multiple billions of dollars.

A final solicitation for the recompete of the agency's so-called "IT Triple S" set of blanket purchase agreements should go live on Friday with a proposal due date of July 31.

The FBI also intends to complete its evaluation of bids by Nov. 1 and finalize awards by Dec. 11, the agency said in a Sam.gov notice Thursday.

That request for quotes will only be available via the General Services Administration's eBuy portal however, which means we will not be able to read it. But we do note the solicitation number as ITSSS22172023FBI.

IT Triple S is another shorthand nickname for ITSSS, which stands for Information Technology Supplies and Support Services. The solicitation poised for release on Friday is for the second iteration of that BPA suite.

What is now called ITSSS-2 is a replacement for the former IT Enterprise Contract Services vehicle known as ITECS, which the FBI cancelled in April 2020 after a series of protests.

GSA worked with the FBI to create the new BPAs. In February, the FBI told industry it is taking over the responsibility for awarding the contract after overcoming procurement staffing challenges.