DOD adds pair to $1.5B professional services vehicle / Digital Vision
Both companies got what they sought for in their protests: a seat on the contract that directly supports senior Defense Department civilian leaders.
The Defense Department agency responsible for administrative and management support functions has added two companies to a potential $1.5 billion professional services vehicle awarded in December 2022.
But that pair of contractors had to put up a bit of a fight to get the attention of DOD's Washington Headquarters Service after the original round of nine awards.
Analytic Services Inc. and Systems Planning & Analysis Inc. both filed protests to challenge WHS' evaluation of the proposals and at least get a second chance at being selected.
The Government Accountability Office dismissed the protests in January after WHS apparently communicated it would re-evaluate the bids. DOD's Friday contract awards digest indicates that Analytic Services and SPA got what they were after: a position on the five-year Analytic and Technical Support Services vehicle also known as ATSS.
The full list of awardees now goes like this:
- Analytic Services Inc.
- Systems Planning & Analysis
- Accelerated Business Strategies
- Booz Allen Hamilton
- Eagle Harbor Solutions
- MDW Associates
- Red Gate Group
- Redhorse
- Science Applications International Corp.
- Serco Group's U.S. subsidiary
WHS, DOD's undersecretaries for acquisition and sustainment and research and engineering, plus so-called Fourth Estate agencies other than the service branches will use the vehicle to acquire services in support of the Pentagon's senior civilian leadership team.
Some of the vehicle's key big-picture focus areas include policy development, planning, resource management and program evaluation.
Contract work will encompass acquisition and sustainment oversight support, engineering and agile methodologies, capability portfolio management, acquisition intelligence, policy analysis and support, and business and financial assistance.
WHS and other DOD agencies are also interested in data science, data analytics, data governance, legislative analysis and international programs and security.
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