Treasury sketches out family of enterprise cyber contracts / TU IS

These blanket purchase agreements will go by the apt acronym of PROTECTS and focus on security operations center functions.

The Treasury Department is at work in building a new set of blanket purchase agreements to centralize the way it acquires enterprise cybersecurity services for its bureaus and offices.

The department is designing these Protecting Treasury Enterprise Cybersecurity Technology & Services pacts, which will go by the apt acronym PROTECTS, to cover both on-premise support of government-led operations and off-premise assistance from a managed service provider.

Comments and questions on the BPAs are due by Nov. 1. in the General Services Administration's eBuy portal, Treasury said in a sources sought notice Wednesday. No dollar figures were given in that request for information.

PROTECTS will have an eight-year ordering period and focus on Treasury's security operations center functions that include system architecture, engineering, deployment, incident management and vulnerability management.