Treasury chooses 10 for $20B cyber support pact / Viorika

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Appropriately dubbed PROTECTS, this blanket purchase agreement aims to set up an enterprise approach for cybersecurity across the Treasury Department.

The Treasury Department has made awards on a potential eight-year, $20 billion blanket purchase agreement for broad cybersecurity services in support of efforts to standardize solutions and operating models across the organization.

Known as PROTECTS, the Providing Treasury Enterprise Cybersecurity Technology and Services pact directly supports work by the department’s office of the chief information officer.

Treasury awarded PROTECTS on Friday and received 28 bids in total for the small business set-aside pact, according to Federal Procurement Data System records.

FPDS identifies these 10 companies as awardees:

  • 1Cyberforce
  • Delviom
  • Electrosoft
  • Maveris
  • Obsidian Global
  • Pueo Business Solutions
  • Punch Cyber
  • Shorepoint
  • Valiant Solutions
  • Zermount

Solicitation documents first issued in May outline the BPA’s key functional areas as including Treasury’s core operational framework, information security incident management, vulnerability management, and adversary and advanced operations.

Two other areas focus on the functionality of Treasury’s security operations centers.