PROJECT 38: Booz Allen signaling intent with $100M ventures fund

Brian MacCarthy explains in this episode the mission and purpose of Booz Allen Ventures and the $100 million it has to work with initially. Courtesy of Booz Allen Hamilton
Booz Allen Hamilton's move to formalize its venture investment function with a set dollar figure shows how serious it is in bringing tech startups into the U.S. public sector, the firm's lead tech scouting and ventures executive Brian MacCarthy tells our Ross Wilkers.
Booz Allen Hamilton wants to show the startup community it is serious about helping take their technologies into the U.S. public sector ecosystem.
So much so that Booz Allen has stood up a venture capital organization to invest in emerging tech firms and given that team an initial $100 million in funding to start out with.
Why formalize it after having already made three such investments? Here to explain why and the gameplan for Booz Allen Ventures is Brian MacCarthy, vice president of tech scouting and ventures.
MacCarthy explains the goals of Booz Allen Ventures as including finding dual-use technologies that can be scaled for government missions, letting product development companies remain such and keeping customers at the forefront of tech adoption.