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Mark Amtower

Partner, Amtower & Associates, and Co-Founder at Government Market Master

Mark Amtower
Mark Amtower advises government contractors on all facets of business-to-government (B2G) marketing and leveraging LinkedIn. Find Mark on LinkedIn at

Federal LinkedIn census shows civilian agency gains but DOD drops

Mark Amtower's annual analysis shows the civilian workforce hit 1.6 members while defense numbers declined. Total federal presence grows to 2.9 million.


Content may be king, but growing an audience is the ace

Marketing guru Mark Amtower offers the keys to getting potential customers and partners to notice you and your content.


Get focused before going out on your own

Marketing guru Mark Amtower explains why you need a strategy that clearly differentiates your skillsets when you try to launch your own consulting firm.


How to leverage LinkedIn for the end of the fiscal year

Marketing and branding guru Mark Amtower shares five easy steps for raising your company's profile as we hurtle toward the fiscal year-end.


Chess and the journey to thought leadership

Being a thought leader in the government market requires a concerted effort with multiple steps to take a long the way.


Go deep, not wide: How agency-based marketing can drive results

When trying to expand their market share, small business too often cast a wide net. But the smart strategy starts with focus. Here's how agency-based marketing can pay off.


Why and how GovCon CEOs should use LinkedIn

With millions of customers on LinkedIn, GovCon CEOs need to leverage the social platform or they are doomed to lag behind their competitors.


What year two of the pandemic means for sales and marketing

We've worked under a pandemic for a year but there are still adjustments to be made and lessons to be learned for year two.


Numbers don't lie: Feds on LinkedIn are fertile territory

Mark Amtower's annual census of federal employees on the LinkedIn platform shows every agency represented and that the business platform is a critical and powerful tool for enriching your relationships with customers.


One must-do for small business contractors in 2021

Come Jan. 21, there will be a new administration and that means shifting missions and priorities, so now is the time to start beefing up those client relationships.

Fiscal 2021: The new normal and beyond

The market is being permanently changed by the Covid-19 pandemic and here's how what these new fundamentals mean to you and your company as you plan for 2021.

Social selling tips for fiscal year end, COVID and beyond

Marketing guru Mark Amtower shares his best tips for making the most of the fiscal year end despite the limitations of the COVID-19 pandemic.


3 tactics to employ as the fiscal year ends

The digital transformation forced on us by the COVID 19 crisis will have an impact on the usual end of fiscal year rush. Here are three things you need to do for a successful fourth quarter.


Marketing by whim is not marketing

It's easy to get distracted by the new shiny objects but to effectively market your company takes time and planning.


Keys to stay-at-home sales and business development

Just because you are stuck at home, doesn't mean sales and BD come to a halt. Here are five things you should be doing right now.


Understanding the challenge of short attention spans

Content is still king but to be effective you have to understand and overcome the every shrinking attention span of your target audience.


The simple act of being on LinkedIn is marketing

Marketing occurs with every action, or inaction, in our business lives. When we attend events, meet one-on-one, and when we use social media. Everything you do defines something about you and in turn, your company. And this includes LinkedIn.


7 habits of highly successful and visible LinkedIn networkers

If you've resolved to make better use of LinkedIn in 2020, you should adopt these seven habits of the highly successful networkers.


5 considerations as you start 2020

Intelligence is the critical information that you need to survive and thrive in the government market. Here are five methods and sources to get the information you need.

The art and science of picking the right event for you

There are all types of events in the government ecosystem and picking the right ones to attend depends on understanding what it is you want to get out of your attendance.